Posts Tagged ‘Hogwarts’

Long Live Harry Potter

Harry Potter inspecting a snitch

Even though the last Harry Potter movie is complete, there’s still plenty of life left in the Harry Potter world.  So, for all of the folks who are mourning the completion of the final Harry Potter movie, here are some ideas for getting more mileage out of the tremendous body of work currently available.

  1. First of all, the novels are so richly detailed that readers should read through the series again. Find those clues hinting at future events you missed the first time through.
  2. For added interest, take turns reading the books aloud, using voices for different characters.
  3. Plan a vacation in Orlando, Florida. Visit the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios.
  4. Check out the new Pottermore website.  J.K. Rowling‘s new Pottermore site promises to provide an engaging online experience around the Potter series and characters.
  5. Make a Harry Potter wand sheath that fits inside of your robes!
  6. Host a Harry Potter weekend movie fest for the family and watch the entire series. For added fun, invite viewers to dress as their favorite Harry Potter characters and serve Butter Beer.
  7. Encourage young fans to write their own Harry Potter fan books.
  8. Discover the Harry Potter movie music, especially if young fans are also musicians.
Have more fun activities to add to this list?  Add them to our comments section and help us celebrate Harry Potter!

Harry Potter Fans, Make a Sheath for Your Wand

Whether it’s for Halloween or just for pretend play, Harry Potter fans who dress like a Hogwarts student will need a safe and inconspicuous place to stow his/her wand.  We came up with an easy-to-make sheath that fits neatly inside of the robes for easy access.  Follow our step-by-step instructions to create a wand sheath for your little Harry Potter fan. Younger children will need a bit of help with this craft, but can have fun decorating the sheath using cloth paints, glitter, sequins, etc!


  1. Needle and black  thread
  2. Scissors
  3. Scrap of black fabric, roughly 12 in. x 4 in.
  4. Medium black button
  5. 3-in. section of elastic cord, shoelace, or other durable material to make a button loop.

Step 1. Cut out your sheath. Lay the wand on top of black fabric to measure for proper length and width.  Leaving about an inch of width on each side of the wand, use scissors to cut around the wand, cutting the length a bit shorter than the wand so that the handle will stick out of the sheath a bit.

Step 2. Form the shape. Fold material in half over the wand and line up the ends as best you can.  Using a needle and thread, sew the sides and bottom to form a narrow pouch, leaving the top open.  Once completed, turn the sheath inside out so that the seam is now on  the inside.

Step 3. Add the Button loop. Depending on the size of your button, your loop diameter will vary.  Carefully form a loop with your elastic cord or shoe lace, measuring it to ensure that it will fit snugly over your button.  Mark the loop ends with a pen, pin, or tape.   Form your tight loop on the top of the sheath along the seam and attach it securely with needle and thread.  Use scissors to trim off excess.

Step 4. Add a button inside the robes. Find a spot inside the robes that is comfortable for your child.  We placed our button just below chest level on the right-hand side.  Attach the button with black needle and thread.

Step 5. Attach the sheath to the button. Attach the loop of your sheath around the button and add the wand.  Have fun!